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tv   The Young Turks With Cenk Uygur  Current  June 18, 2012 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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wow, whoa, whoa, whoa, you're trying to get the voters to trust your dad with our future, and to do that you're telling us the story of when he earned the trust of an innocent person and then betrayed that trust for his personal amusement? what? next year just send him a card. i'm done talking now. [ ♪ music ♪ ] >> john: thank you so much for joining us here in "the war room." i'm john fugelsang. we'll see you back here tomorrow. me to "the young turks." here's what we're going to do for you. we are gag to break down mitt romney's four different lies when he was on "face of a nation" this weekend. >> romney: i'm really not a guy who will take the next step in apply political career. i don't have a political career. >> cenk: we'll discuss that in a
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minute. and why the romneys are getting a tax break on their horse. >> it's what kind of horses do you have. >> romney: she has austrian blood, it's a dursage horse. >> cenk: indeed, it is. [ . [ mocking laughter ] the case of george zimmerman talking to his wife come out. >> i thought you wanted me to take time out and keep it and put time on the block. >> if you can. >> cenk: oh, their coated words are the worst. it's so embarrassing. that's later in the program. by the way, if you want to find out the most racist areas in the country, we have a breakdown for you tonight. mystery solved. go time.
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>> cenk: so mitt romney doesn't like to do to do interference outside of fox news channel. he was courageous going on "face of a nation" with bob shaefer. when asked about his political career. i love this answer. >> romney: part of what i would be able to do flows from the fact i'm really not a guy who is going for the next step in my political career. bob, i don't have a political career. i served as governor for four years. i spent my life in the private sector. the private sector is where i made might mark. i'm in this race because i want to get america back on the right track. i don't care about re-elections or partisanship that goes on. i want to get america right. >> cenk: come on, who are you
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kidding? you're senator--you tried to be a senator. you were governor of massachusetts. you ran for the senate. you ran for president twice. you're the nominee of a major political party in this country. you don't have a political career? the only way that that's true is he's such a loser he lost all but one race. the reason why you don't have a political career right now is because you lost all your other races. this guy is so slimy and so greasy and no one believes it. oh, my god this guy is just trying to help the country. he's not really a politician--get out of here. when it got to the substance the of the policy questions it did not gert better. job shaefer asked four different times about immigration. president obama announced for kids that have come into this country and had been here for five years and didn't do it of their own volition, if they got a logical degree and they're going on to college or they served in the military, they would give them a two-year
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waiver. would you continue that or would you not continue that. his initial response that we're going to show you here, shows frustration in the interview. >> romney: the status of young people who come here through no fault of their own is something that should be considered and solved on a long-te base. >> trying to pin governor romney now if he is elected president if he would allow the president's order to stand or would he take a different tact. i couldn't get him to say whether or not he would repeal it or just let it stand. one thing he was very clear on, though that was why he thinks the president did it. >> romney: the think the time something pretty clear. if he really wanted to make a solution that dealt with these kids and illegal immigration in america this is something he wouldn't have taken up in his first thief and a half--first three that was years. not the last few months.
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>> you think it's politics. >> romney: that's part of the equation. >> cenk: here is a guy who asked four times, would not give you a real answer and avoided it and then said the president did it for political reasons, as if you're not a politician, and your answer wasn't deeply and more skepticallyly political. why does he give you that squirming answer with, well, i need the latino vote so i can't tell you that i would repeal it. if i tell you i repeal it, then i can't get the latino votes. 68% of latinos are backing president obama. no no, i'm not against latinos or immigrants. on the other hand he has had rabid right-wing base who say how dare you, we hate immigrants. he's stuck between a rock and a hard place. that's why he gives that you squishy answer with we'll see
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long-term solutions--such a fake politician. now we go on to healthcare. here comes the third lie. what is he going to say here? he apparently has a three-part proposal, and i'll break it down for put. >> romney: i will continue to describe the plan i would provide which is, number one to make sure people don't have to worry about losing their insurance if they have a pre-existing condition and they change job. number two let individuals buy their own insurance on their own if they want to, and number three, with with regards to those who are poored or uninsured he i would bring that responsibility back to the states. >> cenk: first of all let's go reverse order. i would bring the responsibility of poor people back to the states. in other words that's your problem. not my problem. i'm not giving a dime of federal money. and if the states help hey and if they don't that's none of my
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concern. next i would prove insurance and get tax breaks for it. the real meaning of that is well, you won't get a tax break through your employer. so your employer won't give it to you. oh you already get the tax break overall for buying it individually. in other words, you're on your own. eventually if they happen to take that tax breakaway whatt can you oops? you lost your insurance in the break they gave pup most importantly, on pre-existing conditions is where the real lie is. he says, i care deeply. why? the numbers. 85% of the country says that they want pre-existing conditions covered. they want to be protected. you know why? they have pre-existing conditions. he sees that number. oh i'm totally in favor of pre-existing conditions, except he's not. what he says is well, if you have insurance with a major
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employer and you switch to another employer, well, then i would cover you. but wait a minute. that's already law. it's not were president obama healthcare policy but a 1996 law. he wouldn't be changing a damn thing. in fact, if you're a person with a pre-existing condition and there are a ton of us, let me show you the numbers behind that. we've got 52 million americans with pre-existing conditions. we have 82 million with insurance. but if you get fired or you want to become an entrepreneur, and you don't go to another major company, then you might not be covered for pre-existing conditions any more. this is what the healthcare program was going to cover and romney is going to yank that away. if you're part of the 25 million uninsured good luck to you buddy, romney does not cover that at all. he says pre-existing condition as if he's on your side. but it masks and a deep,
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underlying lie. he's not going to do angle of the things that president obama's healthcare reform would do in regards to pre-existing condition. he'll continue with an old law that is already in place. that's what i'm talking about. the rest of the media takes it at face value but we know what his proposals are. it should be the job of all the media to tell you when he's not telling you the truth. speaking of which finally we get to taxes. whose mitt romney ultimately in favor of? well, let's find out. >> romney: what's wrong with our economy is that our government has been warring against small middle, and large businesses. and people in the business world are afraid to make investments and hire people. i want to make it clear that under my administration government will see itself as a friend of enterprise and job creators. >> cenk: job creators. that's the final code word. in other words my administration is here for the really really rich people and the multi national corporations.
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i'm not here to help you. no no, we disguise that by using the obvious code word for job creator that's the rich. that's the one place where he says, yay, look, that's my policy proposal. when bob shaefer asked him is there any way you would increase taxes on the rich at all? listen to his answer. >> you were asked if you would agree to $1 in taxes if you could get $10 cut in spending cuts. you said at that time, no, i wouldn't even accept that. do you feel that way? >> well, we all feel that way. >> do you still feel that way. >> romney: the answer is i do feel that way. >> cenk: the answer is yes, i will never increase taxes for the rich or corporations under any circumstance. even if you give me $10 from the middle class, it's still not good enough. that's the one part that mitt romney is actually honest about.
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because the reality is he is here to protect the rich. that's the whole point of his campaign. the rest of it, the rest of the media should join me in pointing out his fundamental dishonesty. when we come back ann romney to some degree goes after michelle obama and we'll talk about tir horses and whether they should get tax breaks. we'll talk about that when we come back. >> if you become first lady are you going to go on all these vacations like the current inhabitants of the white house [[vo]]joy behar is coming to current tv for one week only until the fall. >>try to be a little more conservative tonight.
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> cenk: all right ann romney was doing a radio interview and they asked about all the so-called vacations that the obamas are taking. let's find out the answer. >> if you become first lady are you going to go on all these vacations like the current inhabitants of the white house are? >> i doubt that. you know, our vacations and our happiness comes from being with our children and grandchildren. you know, we have our own places that we do that, and i am assuming we'll be doing the same. when we take a vacation, we'll be taking it with our children and grandchildren. >> cenk: there are so many obnoxious parts to that answer. first of all i doubt we'll take as many vacations as obamas. your husband too a two and a half year vacation in france to avoid the vietnam war. he lived in a $12 million house.
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the only reason he came back was because you were dating someone else. you don't get to talk about vacations any more. then she says, we have a place of our own. i know, you have six houses. if i had six houses i would take a vacation. one of them has a car garage. the obamas only have one house. to be fair the president and his wife were caught on a vacation in their hometown in their house. let's watch. >> the president and first lady landed at o'hare shortly before 7:00 tonight before boarding marine one and arriving by motorcade in their home on south greenwood. they were spotted shaking hand and posing for photos. >> cenk: ladies and gentlemen, they got 'em. they went home and even shook their neighbors' hands. how dare they. you see, this is what i'm
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talking about. this manufactured outrage on the right based on no facts at all. when you look at their first year this is an illustration of the different presidents. george w. bush, 40. clinton, 21. w, 69. and they're under counting that because they don't count camp david. obama, 26. they took less vacations and the bushes took a lot morvay cases. after all the record-breaking and george w. bush broke a record for the first four years and whole eight years how many vacations he took, they turn around and say, can you believe that obama went on vacation? one line after another after another. meanwhile these guys with the six houses have the nerve to talk about obama golfing etc. do you remember when romney was caught on tape talking about all the horses they own let's
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watch. >> what kind of horses do you have. >> she has austrian warmbloods, it's a dressage horse for the sport she's in. me, i have missouri foxtrotter. mine is like a quarter horse just a much better gait. >> cenk: i have no why idea what he's talking about. i don't know what a quarter horse is. i didn't know what a dressage ours horsehorse is until now. why is she going side ways? i don't know what they do with these poor horses. she's apparently very good. she's qualified for the olympics. congratulations to them. nicely done. here is the interesting part of that story. they get a tax break for that horse. if you have a pet or a hobby i blatantly football, do i get a tax break? no no, that's because you're not rich. but if you're rich and you have
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a dressage horse you get a tax break. $77,000 in tax write-off in 2010. the median income for household in america is $45,000. not the write off that's their whole income. though tax write off is larger than your income. and they have the nerve to insinuate that the obamas are elitists. this is like when romney talked about, oh, can you believe obama went to harvard and it turned out that romney spent more time at harvard than obama has. they have no sense of guilt about misleading people or about their own lifestyle. let me bring in michael shure our epics politics man to discuss the politics of this, michael. if you're the rich and helping the poor, you're fdr and you have the dressage horse have at
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ithoss. but why are they getting the tax break. >> you don't know why a lot of tax breaks happen. it seems absurd. the idea that the old maxim that the wife, the spouse is off limits is over.ver. where you have them asking are they going to take vacations no we're not going to take vacations like this. for their denial is sickening. for them to say we have this house in maine. we worked hard and we have that house. it's not who we are all the time etc. these people think they can say no it doesn't exist. these tax write-offs are absurd. i don't know who writes the laws that says they can get $77,000. >> cenk: same as john kerry it's their play books. john kerry in his own limited way as a democrat trying to help
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the middle class right? the romneys say we will not do that. they don't say it in their language, they say it in their policy. let me give you an example of that. mitt romney on "face of a nation." they say okay, you're going to take away loopholes for the rich like your dressage horse as an example. he didn't say that, but that's a great example and here's what romney said being specific of the loopholes he'll take away. >> which of the deductions are you going to be eliminate. which of the tax credits. when will you tell us that. >> romney: we'll go through the process with congress and all the specific deductions. >> have you had any ideas like the home interest deduction. >> romney: simpson boles went through a process in how they could reach a setting in how they ended their proposal, even more revenue for the government with lower rates. mathematically it's been proved to be possible. >> cenk: so, in other words, no, i'm not going to tell you any of
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the deductions. will you tell me if you'll take away the deduction from your dressage horse. he's lying. >> forget lying. it seems like he doesn't even know. it seems watching that he has no depth of knowledge. like he's one of the farm animals. >> cenk: he doesn't want to know. in reality his tax cuts for the rich create $2.5 trillion hole in our budget.t. $2.5 trillion going to the rich. the average 1 percenter under romney's tax plan would have a savings of $725,000 that blows my mind. all this horse stuff as it goes to the summer olympics. does that hurt him or help him. >> i don't understand why dressage doesn't hurt but windsurfing hurt john kerry. i don't under how that works. our country is made up of people who watched the queen's jubilee
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like me, at the expense of american politics. we watch the real house lives and lifestyle of the rich and famous. there is that adoration. but truthfully this is a bad political play and dressage is something that people cannot understand at all. >> cenk: i still don't under why it's going sideways. >> it's cool. >> cenk: life is trippy. >> but it's not $77,000 worth of tax breaks trippy. >> cenk: no, it's not. thank you. when we come back we'll talk about race. first of all the g.o.p. in montana has a horrible thing they did in regards to president obama. we'll talk about that. second of all could the race equation still cost the president this election? we'll explain. >> there is a long history in this country of african-americans and latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately. that's just a
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>> it's go time. (vo) at the only online forum with a direct line to cenk uygur. >>if you had to vote for a republican, which one would it be? (vo) join the debate now. ?ñ?ñ >> cenk: all right, we're back on "the young turks." the republicans are always keeping it classy and they did it in montana. they have a g.o.p. convention there, and they bring in an out house and call it president obama's presidential library the out house. presidential libraries george w. bush with his--i read three shakespeares and a kamo, and
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they're talking about presidential libraries. if that wane enough they put in three bullet holes and put his birth certificate and it says barak hussein on it and it's atrocious in 18 different ways. now when we talk about that, there is an interesting study i want to tell you about. first, let me show you the margin by which president obama won the 2008 election. it was a comfortable 52.9% of the popular vote. that's a larger margin than scott walker had and every republican in the country called that a landslide and a mandate to do whatever he liked. when president obama won by a larger margin, oh, he just squeaked it out barely. given that race could have been an issue. so well, here's the interesting
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part. there is a harvard doctorate candidate, and he did a study of google searches and how they relate to politics. first some generic things t see if google searches are is a good way to see if you're looking in the right category. so when you look at "good," the bible belt did nor god searches. and unsurprisingly there were more lakeer's searches in the los angeles area and porn was googled more than weather. now when he applied that to the issue of race he found something really interesting. he looked at the people googling the "n" word. not ending in "a" because that's a lot of rap lyrics, but ending in "er." what he found out west virginia is the most ray assist state. that's what he found. look we'll we will explain how it
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relates. southern mississippi. you may not be surprised by that near the top. near west virginia. but western pennsylvania, eastern ohio, and up state new york. i have a theory on that. there is not a lot of black folks who live in these bottom areas, right? you hate what you don't know. so republican propaganda campaign to spread hate might work better if you don't know black people. it's a interesting phenomenon. these places voted more against obama than a normal democrat? yes. he took john kerry's numbers based on the democratic increases they had in 2008 if he took a place like denver, colorado, obama did just as well as you you would predict. that's where the search was at a low. very little racism and obama does as the model predicts. if you take a place like west virginia obama lost nine points off of what he should have it. it's a fascinating concept.
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he goes further and says the higher the racially charged search rate in the area the worse mr. obama did. that's interesting. finally, do you know if you lose two percentage points in an election, it reduces your chance of winning a popular vote by 33%. so if you lose just twonts based on racism, that will effect an entire election. so that's why it's an absolutely critical issue for the 2012 election. now let me bring on a guess. sheryl, one of the cofounders of jack and jill sheryl, it's great to have you hear. the resurfaced the survey because they said, look, in 2008 president obama had actually really for a democrat an ideal situation. tailwind behind him. the iraq war was a disaster. the economy was a disaster. that's part of why he won by
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such a comfortable margin. if it's a tight race then race might make more of a difference. what do you think of that theory? >> well, it's clear that race conditions to becontinues to be an issue for barack obama and he has largely avoided racial topics because of it. he wants to be seen as president of the people. that has left the african-american community saying, what about us? we were among your stanches supporters. >> cenk: he has barely touched on it, and let me show you a couple of clip of the couple of times he has mentioned the issue at all. >> you know, if i had a son he would look like trayvon. >> the cambridge police act the stupidly when there was proof they were in their own home. number three what i think we know separate and apart from this indiana is incident is
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african-american and latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately. >> cenk: he's referring to a law professor who was arrested in his own hou when you lock at that and you say, do you have sympathy for him avoiding racial issues? >> i have some think. that said i do think that race is an issue that really colors so many of the topics that are key. when it comes to immigration or law enforcement or even healthcare, race does play a role even education or environmental justice. no matter the issue race does play a role and his failure to openly address that, i think ultimately is a weakness. >> cenk: right but it's damned
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if you do, damned if you don't. if you don't address it well, then you're not being fair and the whole country really. if you do address it the right wing said, i knew t the angry black guy. take the montana case. do you think they would have done that to a white president or they're just liberals and they would have done it to any democrat. >> i think the fact that they painted bullet holes on the out outhouse label the obama library, for me it stopped right there. it's a threat to the life. it's borderline. i think the secret service should investigate. who create there had. there is an implicit threat there. but at the same time you have the g.o.p. chairman there in montana. who did push back. i have to give him credit for saying look, we have a president of the united states, and we have to honor that. i think that that does represent a shift. that same guy night might not have
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stood up for obama in 2008. the fact that barack obama has very convincingly demonstrated that a black man can be president, i think that hopefully we'll start to reduce some of the bias that we saw last time. >> cenk: so cheryl, let me ask you a couple of questions. he gains 1% but in places like west virginia according to the study, he loses 9 percentage points. now we've had him for president for four years. you can imagine we would be used to it by now. when you put all of that in the equation does it still hurt him in 2012? >> absolutely. i think just that outhouse incident shows. there are people out there who still have trouble with the
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notion of an african-american president. the fact that there are people out there who refuse to believe that he's a citizen of the united states shows there is bias. i hope we'll see a reduction--just based on his national security prowess. there is no one else who captured osama bin laden. that's something that all americans can be proud of and a black president achieve that. >> cenk: all right cheryl conti from jack and jill politics. thank you. >> thank you. >> cenk: because he is a progressive, he says you shouldn't vote for the president. we'll debate that on the panel next. >> he has delivered the politics of democracy to the rule of money. he has reduced justice to [[vo]]joy behar is coming to current tv for one week only until the fall. what happens if you ask her to
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tone down her opinions? >>sorry, i can't hear you. what? [[vo]]or tell her she has to stick to a script? >>forget it. [[vo]]that will never happen on current. >>try to be a little more conservative tonight. it starts at $59 for the entire year for back up. put in code stephanie for your subscription. 18 minutes after the hour.
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innovation matters now more than ever.
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junk like it did at any an arby's in colorado. yikes. >> stephanie: i guess we do know where the beef is. [ buzzer ] >> that's wrong. we have a big, big hour and the i.q. will go way up. how are you ever going to solve the problem if you don't look at all of the pieces? >>tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. >>you're welcome current tv audience for the visual candy. >>sharp tongue, quick whit and above all, politically direct. >>you just think there is no low they won't go to. oh, no. if al gore's watching today... [ ♪ theme music ♪ ]
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>> cenk: all right how is this for a fun power panel. i'll bring erica payne founder and president of the agenda project, and editor-in-chief of the daily agenda. and david pakman, wait for it, host of the david pakman show. you should check it out. so first question for you guys is obama's former harvard law professors on point when he said you should vote against obama if you're a progressive. let's watch the proffer unger. >> he has delivered the politics of floss democracy to the rule of money. he has reduced justice to charity. his political is financial confidence and food stamps. unless he is defeated there cannot be a contest for the re
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reorientation of the democratic party as the vehicle of a progressive alternative in the country. >> cenk: all right interesting point. erica thoughts? >> i think it's sort of an idiotic view of politics. we the agenda project is based on tdea tha applications arepoliticians arethe least important part of politics. movement leaders are typically not politicians. if you want the country to go in a different direction you can make it go in a different direction but your politicians are never your leading indicator of that. for this professor to come out and say the best thing that american progressives can do in november is to defeat this president, i think he's barking up the wrong tree. he needs to have a much realistic view of american presidency and american
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politics. we want to push the president and every elected officials as far as we can push them. at a certain point we need people to vote a particular way. you put into office the people who will vote the way you would like them to vote. this is preposterous. >> cenk: he says, look, in order for democrats to get reoriented you have to go in a new direction, and president obama unfortunately, as he puts a human face and even a pretty face on really right-wing proposals and does more damage to the democratic party. >> yeah, we've experimented with this before. we know what it's like to get a right wing guy in office and then go back to a democrat. it was george w. bush. jobs recessions, two disastrous wars. you and i and many progressives have problems. we can find problems with
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president obama's policy and legislation. but the idea of going back to mitt romney we're then go faster to the left with the next person? we know that president obama in great part has been cleaning up the messes of george w. bush. it's bogus. >> cenk: i agree with you. you don't win by losing. and david's right. every time we've gone further right wing, when a democrat comes into office he doesn't think, oh right let's go left. thinks, let's go a little less right. that's how we've been pushed all the way to the right. it doesn't help and ultimately erica is the most right. this does not have anything to do with politicians. we need to change the role of money that professor unger was talking about. it's an interesting conversation. let's change gears now. let's talk about the white house heckler. neil monroe works for the daily
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caller as you saw last week. he started shouting out questions for president obama while he was still in the middle of speaking. let's watch. >> it is the right thing to do excuse me, sir, it's not time for questions sir. not while i'm speaking. >> from your perspective the speech was coming to a close when you were beginning to ask your questions. >> yes timing was awkward. he speaks very well, very smoothly. it's hard to know when he's about to end. i asked my question too early he rebuked me. >> cenk: the question here, is it inappropriate? we know it's inappropriate. did it have a racial component? people have been talking about that and rush limbaugh has been defensive saying i got over his skin color before he was elected. thank you. we're glad you got over it at
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some point. >> leave aside the racial component. every single thing that the right wing is going to do for the next x number of notes will have a racial component. it is something that people should not runaway from. they sho should accept that there is a race component. there is a sex component in everything. look at hillary clinton's campaign. this is a different issue. the daily caller is the stupidest news outlets that this country has to suffer through. look at their clonk of taxes national security and everything in between. everything they cover has no basis in fact. the guy that this guy has press credentials, and then he's too much of a chicken to go on and say that he intentionally interrupted the president so he could get a pop-up, and that his
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editor tucker carlson sent him a bottle of champagne. the fact that he's concerned about when the president actually ended, nobody should buy that. this guy went in there with a job to do. he did the job. now he'll be appropriately awarded by his right right wing people and income should pay attention to him. >> cenk: they literally get paid. foster frieze is a donor. >> and he's the same guy who said that women should have birth control by keeping an aspirin between their legs. obviously he's not that bright. >> we're not saying that this particular incident was related to race but one after another things that we could not believe, not only george w. bush, but bill clinton the birth certificate thing is
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obama a fist-bumping michelle fist jab on fox news. they seem to be connected to the fact that obama is not white. individually we don't want to call anybody racist, but-- >> i don't have any problem calling anybody raysist. this guy is an idiot and i'm sure he's racist, too. >> i'm not convinced that he was racist in this instance but i do agree with the pattern that david is talking about. when we come back, we'll talk about the zimmerman tapes inside jail. >> that's really confident about everything. i don't know what was said in that meeting but my dad seemed to be very confident. >> yes, everyone is. you should be, too t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t >>it would be terrible if america lost faith in wall street insiders wouldn't it.
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rr od now it's guaranteed. [ normal voice ] so i can trust 'em. unlike randy. are you in good hands?
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for the energy to keep you going. who wouldn't want to be a part of that? payday. the sweet taste of energy. desk top, lab top, ipad. iphone. >> pleasant your hearts. >> the big one. >> stephanie: all i know, the little flower is there and it means go to meeting. i love go to meeting.
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>> cenk: george zimmerman has set up a defense fund and may
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have raise over $200,000 in that fund. when his wife was testifying and they asked her hey, did you transfer any of those funds. she said, i don't even know, is there an account? here's the problem. force days before that she was transferred $74,000 from that account. so she was perfectly aware of it. that's why she has been arrested. now it gets better. now we got the tapes of george zimmerman and shelly zimmerman talking in "code" while he's in prison. awesome. >> cenk, what is amazing about this story, they know they're being record: they're trying to speak in code to cover up the fact that they're transferring money from one bank at to another. >> take your ten out first. and then at the institution see if you can put ten in hers right away. and then take that ten out and put it in the box there.
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>> i thought you wanted me to take ten out and keep it and put ten in the box. >> i'm he thinking they're not going to let you-- >> oh. >> easter way it will be fine. >> it won't matter because once you have the account i can trans transfer that to her. >> right. so you wouldn't have to go back to the bank to put ten in the box. in well, then you would want a total of $20 in the box? >> no. i just want ten in the box. >> why would they have a conversation about transferring $10 out of and the? obviously they're talking about a larger sum of money and the prosecutors realize that which is why george zimmerman's bail was eventually revoked. in this next video zimmerman is
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it is talking to his sister susie and giving specific instructions of how to change passwords in his account. listen. >> please make the change the password, the question and e-mail that it goes to. >> the password has already been changed. then she's resetting all the questions. >> and the e-mail that it goes to. >> don't forget to change the e-mail. >> write it down so you don't forget. >> when you get into the account you want to change the e-mail. okay. she's writing them all down. >> is she resetting the password to something that she'll remember? >> mm-hmm. >> and she has access to the account? >> yes. >> tell her to transfer into her
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account-- >> how ridiculous is that? >> cenk: it's awesome. i love how unsophisticated. and i love how they're whisper you're on tape either way. they know they're on tape. third of all i believe we have a new term, 10 in the box. give me 10 in the box there and put the other 10 where? where? i don't know. >> what could they possibly be talking about gee, i can't figure it out. >> cenk: i can't believe they figured out it was a security box and it was more than $10. >> zimmerman spoke about his father meeting with the lawyer and zimmerman seemed very, very confident about his defense. let's listen. >> my dad is really confident about everything. he's very, very confident. >> yes, everyone is. you should be, trust me. they don't want to talk about it, but trust me. the least they talk about it, the better.
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believe me, and that's all i'm going to say. trust me. >> maybe you could be optimistic if you weren't talking about transferring funds illegally. >> cenk: i wonder how her defense is going to do because she has been arrested for lying in court. it's depressing how optimistic that they are that they're going to win the case. but on the other hand they're so half-witted that you can't take anything that they say too seriously. >> george zimmerman is obviously someone who did something horrible. but at the same time in these conversations he's so loving and sweet to his wife. it's a very weird thing to listen to. >> cenk: of course the worst kind of dictators and bankers are nice to their families. that means nothing to me. he shouldn't have chased that kid with the gun. thank you ana. rodney king has passed away. he was just on the program. i want to give a last word that
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i think is important about rodney king's life when we come [[vo]]joy behar is on current tv for one week only until the fall. what happens if you ask her to tone down her opinions? >>sorry, i can't hear you. what?! if you have copd like i do you know how hard it can be to breathe and what that feels like. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva helps control my copd symptoms by keeping my airways open a full 24 hours.
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>> cenk: all right, you know that rodney king has passed away over the weekend. he was 47 years and was found in the bottom of his pool if in california. he was famous for being beat by the lapd in 1991, and of course the riots broke out when the cops were acquitted. 55 people were killed and $1 billion in damage. he decided that he wasn't going to go in the direction and he was just going to say "can we
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all get along." i asked him about that when he appeared on on "the young turks." >> that's not the way i was raised. you know, i was raised a different way. i can understand the frustration of it on other people's part, but it's just not the way i'm used to handling a horrible or violence situation. fighting violence with violence and expecting different results. >> cenk: rodney king in this was sucked in this event for many reasons that wasn't his choice. but in the one moment where he had a choice he did the right thing. and he said, hey let's calm down and
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